Comfort and the Drive

Posted: December 31, 2017 in Christianity

All I want is to be comfortable. Above all else, I want to be comfortable. Not too bad, right?

I know this is wrong thinking.

I know what is right thinking.

I came across this old article I’d written a while ago about the The God of All Comfort, while looking up what I’d said about comfort in the past.

I had something about it in there already. Some warning, some kind of ‘watch out’ but it wasn’t enough. Not with the kind of gravity that this signal should have carried.

There should have been shouts! Cries! CAPITAL LETTERS to help stress the warning that yearning for comfort could go so wrong. It’s easy to get that wrong.


Maybe before all of that, you might wonder where I’ve been. I know I’ve been asking that about myself. Trying to become comfortable.

I must become uncomfortable. And seek things that make me uncomfortable. That’s what this post is about, me beginning to find myself in discomfort and admit to myself how much further I have to go.

A lot has happened since my last pen stroke out here. And more to be uncovered.

One of the hardest things to be mindful of is to keep God in the midst of your day and life. How can we keep God in the “right place” while we have bills and kids and work and vacation and school and the what’s next? to figure out.

It’s easy to think that a “routine” will somehow help push God into the right level of priority in our life – something like every morning or in the car to work. These are all great. But our tendency is to make this a checklist.

This is nothing new. We all know this. I’m just saying this more for myself (and for you all).

Here’s what I’m trying to do.

Live life conscious of God. Even when I forget to make time for God, still live life conscious of Him, of His Goodness, Graciousness, Mercy, etc. Worse case, I’m not beating myself up about not being religious enough. Best case, I’m thinking about the One Whom I love. And that will draw me to him because of the freeness of our relationship.

Nowadays, I do miss the time I spend with God (usually, after the fact). But I do love the time I get to remember Him and spend those random “Oh, Hi God” moments with Him.

Still developing it, but hopefully some encouragement for you. God doesn’t want a ritual. Prayer/ time spent with God isn’t supposed to fit into a box (or a schedule) – it should, no.. needs to be, dynamic.


I have to work at being nice to people. Not being perfect, it’s a way to feel better about oneself. (My self-esteem issues are part of my character defects, still in progress.)

We are all broken. Wounded. Hurting. Whether we admit it or not. Or even care or not. It’s there – the broken part of us that partially defines us, haunts us, mocks us. Our insecurity and shortcomings. The part of us we wish we could hide.

This Post is Not About Our Hurts
The list above – the yuck we carry around – it can get overwhelming and Self-focused. But put that aside for a minute – this is not about us. No, instead it’s all about Them.

The folks we see in the hallway, on the street, in cars as we pass them by (or are passed by them), at the park, in the aisles of the store. Those all around us. They are hurting too, just like you and I. Quite possibly, even worse than anything we’ve ever had to think about or deal with or work through.

Yet we – or maybe I – wouldn’t think twice about criticizing the way a person laughs or walks or talks or looks or hang out with so-and-so or does whatever for a living or are plain just not me.

Pretty sad. (Sorry, God – but thanks for your mercy, forgiveness and grace.)

It’s at those times I pause and think (am trying to do more anyway): “What if this person is hurting just like me, or worse? What if God is trying to work on this person, save him or her, show Himself to this person I’ve just “cast aside” so carelessly?

Ew. Sigh.

So.. now I’m trying to catch myself before I get to far down my thought patterns. Unnecessarily thoughtless and inconsiderate. But I’m trying to change that. And it’s helpful to think these things through. I am making progress.

What if those other people need a little Grace today? What if someone needs a little Mercy? Or understanding? Or peace? Or hope? Or joy?

In other words… what if I’m standing in front of them?

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:17

I have the power to change them for good. Help them, save them, protect them, shelter them. And so do you.

I’m seeing differently.


It’s one thing to give a part of you for someone else. Maybe time or money or opportunities in the name of love.

It’s another thing to give your life for someone you love – there are stories of great valor where one will give his or her life for many.

It’s quite another to go through something altogether different – something that hits you at an emotional, physical, mental level. That’s something more like what JC did for us: a grueling, unfair death preceded by mocking and unfair treatment:

But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.
All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,
He trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.
Psalm 22:6

Distance. Pain. Loneliness. Separation.

What was the point of this treatment and death?
It doesn’t always feel like it, but there’s a value associated to us. To me and you.

Beyond that, Jesus Christ went through all that He did so that we wouldn’t need to. Alone. There will be suffering in our lives, but our victory outweighs the “pain” of this life. We’re now part of something bigger.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Our life is now tied to the death of Jesus Christ. And likewise our death (suffering, dying) is tied to the victory which is life in Jesus Christ.

It’s still all about Jesus Christ. And in Him alone can we experience the new that’s been gifted to us. Thanks be to God and Jesus Christ our Lord.


(This is a follow-up from
When you are free, live free

Life is full of opportunity. And, life requires a little trying on your part.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

What does it mean to “prove” what is good and acceptable and perfect? The word “prove” is “dokimazō“, which means “to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals” or “to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy”.

How would that look in your life? To me, I had an example of this, where God came through in an unexpected, but sensible way.

I used to be in a band and I put some energy and thought into bringing the band back together to produce an album of our “hits”. 🙂 I tried very hard, had some buy-in into the idea. But eventually nothing came of it. I was sad, but thought to myself (not sure I told anyone) This is the end of my music career. just “Point of fact”-ly.

But God had different plans.

My plan didn’t work, but what I learned is that what I’d done was really proving God’s will for myself. Was this God’s will? Maybe. Maybe not. How will you know? By proving God’s will. Testing it. Trying it. Scrutinizing it. Sounds like Romans 12:2, doesn’t it?

At the end of my trial, God did give me a gig singing, which I do now happily. Just because what I tried didn’t work, God saw my heart behind it and was able to find His Will in my attempt. I tried and was able to prove the G.A.P.

Good. Acceptable. Perfect. Will of GOD. Go for it!

Maybe you’re one of those who are still waiting for God to tell you what to do. Maybe you’re one of those who are waiting for God to tell you where to go today, who to talk to – maybe even what to eat. Had you ever considered – is that a handicapped?

I once heard someone say that – beside putting on socks and getting dressed – they checked in with God on every decision in their life. Whether this was literal or not, it made me think: Is this really how God envisioned our lives to look?

I’m drawn to Genesis, the beginning of… us. God’s call to us – during our perfection – wasn’t one of “play it safe” or “keep close to me at all costs”. (Have we bought into the lie?)

And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field;
Genesis 2:8, 15, 19, 20

This isn’t the picture of a “lifeless” reliance on God, but rather it’s the picture of permission to … go and live. Adam wasn’t created just so God could then run his life. Instead, Adam was created to enjoy life with God. A full sharing (versus, full control or ruling over):

Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:3b

Do you see the difference?
There are times in our lives where the best thing we can do is be lost without God and then respond by desparately clinging to Him. My own past includes me in that statement.

BUT when you are “created” just like Adam, living new and being transformed, what should your life look like?

You know, I think of myself as a good guy. And maybe even a good Christian. And yet I have to ask myself What are you doing? What are you about?

Unfortunately, I don’t always know the answer to that question. I could say I’m all about my family and all about my God and all about my work, etc. – fill in the blank. And, probably, a portion of what I’m saying would be true. I am all about those things and more, but is there anything left? Is there anything I’ve held back?

Stop living like you’re missing out.

My reaction: Ew, what was that? God was right. And I was agreeing with him. Part of me was. Part of me desperately longed for Him to be right and therefor for the housecleaning that God would encourage for me to have follow.

This is huge to me. And something I didn’t really know how to put words to. I’d felt these sorts of feelings. Had these sorts of thoughts. But I couldn’t put into words the feeling or emotion or posture of my heart. But God could – and now I am able to ackowledge and process through this stumbling block in my life.

What does it mean to living a life “like you’re missing out”? I looks like non-commitment. A little bit like entitlement. It lacks trust. It wonders and dreams about things it shouldn’t wonder or dream about. It’s hardly thankful or only partially thankful. It lives two lives, or mostly one life and preparing for a second life. It’s not “here”, but “there” – where the grass is greener, the sky bluer and the weather nicer. It chases a life and worldview that doesn’t exist.


That’s a lot of not very nice stuff. And all of that was/is in me (I’m at the early stages of processing this all, starting the journey last night on the way home from work). I’m not finished yet. And am so thankful and blessed to be able to say that.

What does it look like to stop living this way? It looks like maturity. Like becoming serious about life and the state of your life. It’s about not having the wool pulled over your eyes. It’s about knowing what’s really important. It’s about being thankful. It’s about seeing life as a gift and a blessing – something to enjoy, not “survive through”. It’s about seeing value in everything: life, time, people, work, travel, snow, wind, etc.

It’s really about being free. No more trying to balance between the “have” and the “have not” in our lives – it’s about freely enjoying the life – all of it, every dark corner, every tough challenge, all of it – with joy and vigor. Hm, “joy” – maybe that’s what this is.

It’s a journey, but I’m so blessed to have God helping me with this. Praise, God.

And I’m not talking about New Year’s Resolutions and being oh so dramatic.

I recently saw a funny post about having resolutions you could actually keep. And most of them were fairly lame, everyday encounters with life that most of us would keep anyway. But the “joke” was in that having a low bar made it so much easier a pill to swallow because of the low expectations.

What if we could dream (ah-ha) and still live free of failure (ah-ha)? What if we didn’t have to be governed by the “checks” on our “checklist” but rather had a giant safety net for when we didn’t quite make it – would that change how we made goals and planned for the future? What would 2014 look like?

Are you ready to fail and not care if you fail?

Okay… so before we get all dreamy-eyed and blue-skied… let me first say that I’ve dropped the ball on some fantastic goals. Last year, a church I attend had a great planning and life goal setting event. Which was awesome. And, at the event, I had some great realizations and goals. Great things to get accomplished for myself, for me as a parent, me as a minister of God (which we all – Christians – are, by the way), me as a husband, etc. This was all great – here’s some key info I learned at the day-long event:

  1. Think about Areas of Your Life you want to Improve
  2. Write out a vision of what you want the Areas of Your Life to look like in 15 years (more time out, than less)
  3. Break down how that vision can become a reality through small steps, small investments
  4. Put things on your calendar that make you (force you) to go through with your executing your plan
  5. Realize your dreams!

Okay, so that’s all good and dandy. But for me, I never got to the calendar. I wanted to, I really did. I wanted to see all the change I’d been “visioning” for me and those around me. But I never made it to the calendar.

And what followed, do you think?

You probably guessed it, feeling bad. Feeling bad all year… I missed January, then February and March, etc. It wasn’t a huge “you really stink!” sort of a bad feeling, but more of a disappointment with myself. Some of that emotion/discomfort can be good. But being buried by it isn’t.

No one wants to be fear motivated, even if it looks like it works. Is that really the Gospel? Change or die? (That’s a joke, by the way.)

I think God’s way is different. Christ’s way is simpler:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe that’s just what we need this year.

Maybe that’s what my 2014 needs a little more of.

It’s easy to look around this time of the year and realize how blessed you. You might have a nice house, a car or two or three, several televisions in your house, great kids, great parents, great friends, etc… you get the idea

It’s easy, right? Maybe you have it good. But there are others in the world who don’t have it as “good” as you do. (And what is “good” anyway?)

There are always opportunities. Opportunities to spend a little more time with people. There may not always be “time” to spend with folks – that’s why we have to get really keen on finding opportunities and making the most out of them. For me, it’s sometimes asking the “second question” – not stopping at “How are you doing?” but asking “How are you really doing?“. I don’t always ask the second question.

Sometimes, I wish people would ask me the second question. Some days (like today) I desperately need to feel loved and needed, valued – cherished. I’ve got God, but I also want to be needed by others.

A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!
Proverbs 15:23

Look for opportunities. Especially around the holidays. Folks are happy – but maybe just on the outside. How will you get to know what’s really going on in the inside? Ask.

And you won’t always know what to say. And that’s okay too. Sometimes just “sitting in the ashes” can be comfort enough. To feel that what one feels is valid – that it matters. God thinks it does. And that we do. And doesn’t expect us to be cold or robotic or “perfect” – God loves us just the way we come.

Broken is okay to God, He loves you and I the same. Spread some cheer this holiday and there for someone.

God won’t stop. Loving you. Chasing you. Caring for you. Coming after you. Pushing His love on you. Seeking for you. Running to you. Thinking of you. Feeling with you. Holding His hand out for you.

God won’t stop.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38, 39

The only thing – the only one – who can stop Him, is you. And me. Us. People. In our freedom, become less free – without God. Knowing this, I still battle with doing what I know I need to do – be less dependent on myself and more [so much more] dependent on God.