Posts Tagged ‘time with God’

One of the hardest things to be mindful of is to keep God in the midst of your day and life. How can we keep God in the “right place” while we have bills and kids and work and vacation and school and the what’s next? to figure out.

It’s easy to think that a “routine” will somehow help push God into the right level of priority in our life – something like every morning or in the car to work. These are all great. But our tendency is to make this a checklist.

This is nothing new. We all know this. I’m just saying this more for myself (and for you all).

Here’s what I’m trying to do.

Live life conscious of God. Even when I forget to make time for God, still live life conscious of Him, of His Goodness, Graciousness, Mercy, etc. Worse case, I’m not beating myself up about not being religious enough. Best case, I’m thinking about the One Whom I love. And that will draw me to him because of the freeness of our relationship.

Nowadays, I do miss the time I spend with God (usually, after the fact). But I do love the time I get to remember Him and spend those random “Oh, Hi God” moments with Him.

Still developing it, but hopefully some encouragement for you. God doesn’t want a ritual. Prayer/ time spent with God isn’t supposed to fit into a box (or a schedule) – it should, no.. needs to be, dynamic.
