Posts Tagged ‘anger’

Something I should know, yet, had to “learn again”. It’s the lessons you learn along the way that leave an impact. It’s the journey, not the destination. (more…)

You know it’s no wonder that mankind gets angry with God. There are times when we feel like God is the one pushing on us, giving us trouble, causing us to “miss out” on life – because of His rules or simply because of the conscience and convictions that was are blessed with. (more…)

Angry at God

Posted: July 14, 2009 in Christianity, Religion
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And why shouldn’t we be? With all the sickness and death and disease and war and civil rights issues in the world, it would seem that God has been doing a poor job running the universe. It seems well directed anger is an almost natural response to God’s handiwork.

Whoa – brakes please – just a minute!

It is easy to be angry at God. It is easy to blame Him for everything that is wrong in the world (let alone, your own life). But because you are angry at God, doesn’t mean you should be.

Why doesn’t God…?
Why doesn’t God “stop wars”? Why doesn’t God “heal my daughter”? Why doesn’t God “help me keep my job”? Why doesn’t God “keep bad people from hurting good people”? Why doesn’t God “answer prayer”?