Posts Tagged ‘live light’

And I’m not talking about New Year’s Resolutions and being oh so dramatic.

I recently saw a funny post about having resolutions you could actually keep. And most of them were fairly lame, everyday encounters with life that most of us would keep anyway. But the “joke” was in that having a low bar made it so much easier a pill to swallow because of the low expectations.

What if we could dream (ah-ha) and still live free of failure (ah-ha)? What if we didn’t have to be governed by the “checks” on our “checklist” but rather had a giant safety net for when we didn’t quite make it – would that change how we made goals and planned for the future? What would 2014 look like?

Are you ready to fail and not care if you fail?

Okay… so before we get all dreamy-eyed and blue-skied… let me first say that I’ve dropped the ball on some fantastic goals. Last year, a church I attend had a great planning and life goal setting event. Which was awesome. And, at the event, I had some great realizations and goals. Great things to get accomplished for myself, for me as a parent, me as a minister of God (which we all – Christians – are, by the way), me as a husband, etc. This was all great – here’s some key info I learned at the day-long event:

  1. Think about Areas of Your Life you want to Improve
  2. Write out a vision of what you want the Areas of Your Life to look like in 15 years (more time out, than less)
  3. Break down how that vision can become a reality through small steps, small investments
  4. Put things on your calendar that make you (force you) to go through with your executing your plan
  5. Realize your dreams!

Okay, so that’s all good and dandy. But for me, I never got to the calendar. I wanted to, I really did. I wanted to see all the change I’d been “visioning” for me and those around me. But I never made it to the calendar.

And what followed, do you think?

You probably guessed it, feeling bad. Feeling bad all year… I missed January, then February and March, etc. It wasn’t a huge “you really stink!” sort of a bad feeling, but more of a disappointment with myself. Some of that emotion/discomfort can be good. But being buried by it isn’t.

No one wants to be fear motivated, even if it looks like it works. Is that really the Gospel? Change or die? (That’s a joke, by the way.)

I think God’s way is different. Christ’s way is simpler:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe that’s just what we need this year.

Maybe that’s what my 2014 needs a little more of.