Archive for the ‘Agape’ Category

I’ve been circling this thing for a while now. And I love the thought of it.

The power of the Christian in the world largely has to do with just showing up. That’s it. Just showing up. Wear a big nametag that says “CHRISTIAN” and that’s it. Just being there – and not even in some deep way, philisophical way, necessarily. You don’t have to have all the answers, or have your own life all together or any of that “good enough” stuff. You just have to show up. Just physically go there.

What is the goal of parenting? I’m a parent of two wonderful children. I’m so grateful for all that I’ve been blessed with as them as my children. And I just hope I when I mess up – that I don’t mess their lives up too badly. (more…)

I can tell you all about Righteousness. I can preach to you all day long. I can write a book on it, record a video on it, do a class on it – but until you realize what Righteousness means for you, you’ll never know. (more…)

More Than Anything

Posted: September 30, 2011 in Agape, Christianity
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Do you love God more than anything? Don’t just answer the question – think about it. Ponder it. Consider the question and yourself. Meditate on it. Do I? (more…)

One of the great things about God is that He isn’t judging. (If you think of God as a big meanie, waiting to judge … well, then I say to you, you need to revisit who you think God is.)

God is love. And God is merciful. And God is gracious. (more…)

I have to write this before I forget even the smallest detail. Especially how it impacted me. And I have to write it now so that I can later look back on it for motivation of my own. My heart melted just last night.

Christians are notorious for saying things like You can’t imagine the Father’s love until you have kids of your own. to which I used to say to myself, Aw, that’s too bad – why would God have made His love not reachable until this event in my life? (more…)

Yesterday was my birthday. You know how it feels to be recognized on your birthday, given special treatment, even if it’s small or silly and lots of messages about how you are loved, missed, liked, etc. If anything else, you get cake. 🙂

I was thinking about all of this after my wife and two kids gave me a card that really melted my heart. Aw, so sweet, I thought to myself. And then I heard God pipe in, “That’s how I feel about you all the time.” (more…)

Ooo, this is going to be good. Love love love. But what’s this – the pain of love?

Yeah, that’s right – the pain of love. Can you handle it?

We’ve talked about love here before – that anything worth doing must be done out of love, how having truth and having love are both important, love IS the answer, what is love Bibilically?

Love is such a deep topic, let’s look at another characteristic of God’s love – agape: The pain of love.

It has to be. Difficult circumstances, difficult people, difficult lifeLove is the answer.

Check out this interesting truth:

Love never fails; but if {there are gifts of} prophecy, they will be done away; if {there are} tongues, they will cease; if {there is} knowledge, it will be done away. (Emphasis Added)
1 Corinthians 13:8

This verse comes right after God defines what is love. Finally, after all these “ways to love”, God says, “Love never fails“.

What is Love?

Posted: April 14, 2009 in Agape, Christianity
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“Baby, don’t hurt me — no more.”

It’s hard to write or talk about “love” because it’s so prevalent in our day and time. The definition that I think with “love” versus how most of the world or our culture defines “love” seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum.

How do I mean? We use the word “love” for all kinds of things:

  • I love my cat
  • I love this burger
  • I love Fridays
  • etc.

“Love” has become defined as “really like” — the next step in liking something. If you really, really, really like something, you then love it.