The Identity Crisis: Who Am I?

Posted: September 24, 2012 in Christianity, Completed Works of Jesus Christ, Identity in Christ
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One of the great attacks the enemy has is keeping you from really knowing and believing who you are. Not who you even think you are, but the person you REALLY are. Do you agree?

It’s probably one of the most important discoveries you can make as a Christian – and therefore one of the most valuable to lose as a Christian. If you are uncertain with who you are, then your actions, what you do will also be uncertain. And you’ll find hardship all along the way, proving or denying the identity you are trying to build. Are you ready for that?

It’s like this: we all had a pretty crummy past. No one really shined, at least not the way God wanted them to shine. That’s the old identity. That’s what we all likely see (or had seen) ourselves as. Before Christ steps in, before God reaches out and we, humans, reach back, this is our only identity.

But then Christ happens. Pays the price for us, to get us, to save us. And the exchange occurs – Christ walks to where we are standing and asks us to walk over to where He was standing. His payment has made us free. From sin, from our past, from our future, from everything. And now we’re given a new identity, completely new (as in NEW):

Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Stop. And smell the roses. This is the end-game. This “new identity thing” is the real deal. It doesn’t get any bigger than this.

Who Am I?
The Identity of a Christian comes up as a “series you should try” within the Church, but should more attention be given to this foundational truth?

How does your identity in Christ impact your life as a Christian?

  • Prayers – Praying from a place of security in WHO you are to someone with WHOM you have a great relationship already (not because of what you’ve done, but because of WHO you are – in Christ).
  • Relationships – Despite what the culture might say or pressume, you don’t have to be a “rockstar Christian” to (be available) to make an impact. Imagine if you were just engaged in WHO you are – how would that impact your interactions with others?
  • Self – One great freedom is being free from yourself. Really. Free from what you think, free from what you like or don’t like, free from … you. Instead of you (having to be you), you now can dwell in the REAL YOU – Identitiy in Christ. How important is that?

And the list goes on. Every area of life is positively impacted by knowing, really knowing, WHO you are. And then living in that identity.

So, the question really is – who are you?


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