Archive for the ‘The World’ Category

My wife and I have been attending – admittedly causally – a local church for about the past two months, on-and-off, here-and-there. My son (who turned three in May) was able to attend their Vacation Bible School program, which was good for him to get some Christian friends and be surrounded by Christian teachers and fun things.

My wife has also been seeking help with “Mom” things, specifically examples of Godly women raising children around our age with our childs’ temperaments, etc.

And for myself, I’m looking to connect with the local congregation and give and serve where and how I can. I’m always looking to glean some Truth from those around me and look to quickly apply it to my own life. So, there’s a lot we are seeking. In a few words – essentially – we are seeking support from the local church. That’s what they are there for right?

But … we’re not members. And there’s the rub. (more…)

Do you remember the story of Romeo and Juliet? Romeo, having assumed that his love was dead took his own life? What was the cost to Romeo to keep on without his love? Likewise, what was the cost to Juliet, after finding that Romeo was now dead? The cost to them of living was greater than the cost of death. Is this the price of a broken heart? (more…)

Most of us live pretty good lives, you might say. I mean, from time to time, something bad might happen, but overall, we live good lives — bills are paid, own/rent a place to live, have a car or cars, TV or TVs, etc.

So, what’s wrong with the World? I mean, it’s a good place with good people most of the time, right? At worst, it’s still a good place to live, meets our needs, etc., right?